Seven Things the Lord Hates (Part 2)

Proverbs 6:16-19

September 27, 2020 – Evening Service

Pastor Tim Feldman

Discussion Questions

1. Read Ephesians 6:10-18. How does truth relate to all of the other pieces of armor here? If we get off track regarding the truth, how can that prevent us from using the rest of this armor effectively?

2. Why is it dangerous to develop our own ideas and then look to Scripture to find support for them? How can this way of thinking lead us to misinterpret Scripture? Instead of doing this, how can we develop the habit and the skill of carefully studying Scripture to see what it says and allowing the truth of Scripture to shape our thinking?

3. In political discussions, do we tend to accept anything as truth if it seems to support our chosen positions? Even as we have political opinions, how can we develop discernment to recognize truth from lies and seek to only proclaim truth?

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