
“For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Mark 10:45

Sunday School

Join us for a practical time of studying and learning from the Word of God in an interactive and instructive style. Classes for every age group are offered, and a nursery is available for the babies. Adults have several classes from which to choose that provide instruction on a variety of topics. Bring your whole family to study Word of God together.

Morning and Evening Worship Services

Our worship services are centered around the preaching of God’s Word in a faithful, accurate, and relevant manner so that the believers may be instructed and strengthened for daily living. Our services also include reverent worship of God in music, worship in giving, and worship in prayer as we ask God to work in our hearts and to help us obey.

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study

Our midweek meeting is to refresh us and remind us of the greatness of our God in simple devotional Bible study, and to pray together as friends and families for our daily needs.

Men’s Ministries

We want to see families led by faithful, exemplary, Christ-like loving Fathers. Men’s prayer breakfast, Men’s retreats, and other fun outings are designed to encourage men to be the kind of leaders that God has called them to be.

Women’s Ministries

We love and treasure the women of the church and want to help them fulfill the important role that God has given them to do. Ladies breakfast, Bible studies, women’s conference, ladies retreat, and various crafting and card making events are organized and provided in order to have opportunities for fellowship, outreach, and the learning and living of God’s Word.

Grace Youth

These are tough days to be a teenager. We want to do all that we can to help parents instruct, encourage, challenge and lead teens to follow Christ. Teens meet together for Sunday School, Wednesday nigh Bible study through the school year (Pro-Teens), and various fun activities to provide opportunities for fellowship, encouragement, service, and instruction in the Word of God.

Children’s Ministries

Raising children for God is a tremendous responsibility. We want to encourage and help you raise your children to know God and live for Him by providing clear, age appropriate biblical teaching. All of our services have a staffed competent nursery so that parents may be able to worship and learn from the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We begin teaching children the truths of the Bible as soon as they are 2 years old, and we want to help them grow in grace as they grow physically. Whether it is the Sunday Night Kids program, Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, or Children’s Church, we want these little ones to learn of our great God.

Service Ministries

God has equipped His church for service. We want to use our gifts, abilities, and talents for the exaltation of our King and for the expansion of His kingdom. There are numerous opportunities for service in which you may be involved. Jail ministry, outreach, visitation, nursery and children’s ministries, Grace youth, sound booth/technology, maintenance, and meals for the sick are just some of the possibilities.

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