Proverbs 30:24-26
July 5, 2020
Pastor Tim Feldman
Discussion Questions
1. In what areas of life do I struggle to look ahead and prepare for the future? What do I need to do in order to be better prepared in these areas?
2. How can I balance the wisdom of preparing for the future with trusting and depending on God to take care of me (as opposed to trusting my plans, my savings, etc)?
3. Life is uncertain, but eternity is inevitable. Am I prepared to enter eternity? How am I investing in the things of eternity today?
4. Read Psalm 61. In what ways have I seen God be my refuge in the past? How can God’s faithfulness in the past encourage and remind me to continue to take refuge in Him today? How can we follow David’s example and respond in praise to God for being our refuge (Psalm 61:8)?
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