Discipline of the Lord

Proverbs 3:11-12

August 30, 2020

Pastor Tim Feldman

Discussion Questions

 1. Read Colossians 1:15-18. Am I willing to submit to the authority of Christ? Christ is preeminent over all things, and He disciplines us because He loves us (cf. Revelation 3:19). How do I respond when He disciplines me? Am I willing to submit to His authority? 

2. Hebrews 12:7-8 teaches us that God disciplines those who are His genuine children, but He does not discipline those who are not His children. How should this truth affect our understanding of the suffering of believers when the wicked seem to prosper? How should this truth encourage us when we are going through those difficult times of discipline? 

3. Read Psalm 94:12-23. The one the Lord disciplines and teaches is blessed, even though he may face opposition from the wicked. Even in the face of difficulty or discipline, how can the Lord’s steadfast love hold me up and help me stand? How can I continue to trust Him even when those difficulties come into my life? 

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